Sunday, March 29, 2009


The Law Of Attraction is a concept that many people have heard of and some readily embrace. Put simply, it is the idea that the things we focus our mental attention and energy upon become manifested in our realities. For example, focusing upon a job promotion brings it to pass. Conversely, the negative side of it can be true - for example, a woman desperately afraid she won't have enough money for her mortgage payment finds that this is true at the beginning of the month. While the concept seems relatively simple, implementing it in a positive direction can prove challenging. Here are 3 steps to making the power of Attraction work for you:

1. Take care of yourself physically. Eat healthy meals, primarily lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies, and whole grains. Avoid eating highly processed foods and sugars. Take vitamins and supplements as needed. Your natural health care practitioner can help you create the ideal "supplement cocktail" tailored to your particular needs. Most people can start with a food based multivitamin and fish oil and go from there. Adopt a doctor approved exercise program, focusing ideally upon cardiovascular exercise as a way to boost endorphin production and elevate mood.

2. Clear your mind of anger and negative emotions. First, allow yourself the full experience of the emotion. Feel how angry you feel, how tense your body becomes. Then, decide you are going to release this because it doesn't serve you or help you achieve a positive mindset. Allow that the person you are angry with did the best he or she could with the tools at his or her disposal - unfortunately some people's survival mechanisms and decisions lead to a lot of collateral damage. Keep in mind, you are exactly where you are meant to be, exactly how you are, at this very moment. Visualize releasing the person you are angry at, or the negative emotion, into the Universe, freeing yourself of the responsibility for punishing or harboring the thought. Begin to consider the benefits that might come from this experience. Did you learn about yourself? Gain an experience that may help you teach others?

3. Spend time daydreaming and fantasizing about your goals and dreams. Consider them in full sensory detail - think about how it will taste, smell, feel, sound, and look like to achieve the goal. You will find as you practice this exercise that your motivation to work toward these goals will increase, and you will begin to see more positive results in your life.


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