Saturday, November 1, 2008

increase trafic

1. First prepare a list of blogs which you like. Try to visit these blogs at least once a day. Leave useful comments on their articles. You can always get traffic in lieu of your comments.
2. Try to write articles using the keyword “How to”. I mean to say, writing tips and tricks sort of articles bring bigger number of visitors.
3. Ping different blog services and directories on every addition of new articles. Ping services allow you to automatically notify blog directories and search engines that your blog has been updated. The bigger your ping list the higher the chances of receiving traffic from those sources.
4. Use simple words while writing the article, do not articulate your thoughts and ideas with complicated words and jargon. Even Google and other search crawlers do not like these things.
5. Give humorous and sarcastic one-line comments on hot topics. They usually work.
6. Install translator plugin to attract users who don’t know English.
7. Submit your articles to different social bookmarking websites like Digg, Reddit, mixx etc.
8. Try to use some uncommon theme for your blog. Edit its CSS, change the php code. Make the template unique.
9. Ask questions in your articles so that users will try to answer the questions in comment form.
10. Optimize your blog for search engines.
11. Write articles in and give backlinks there.
12. Share your thoughts and ideas on forums and communities and put the link of your blog as the signature.
13. Sometimes write on controversial topics, they always bring good traffic on any blog or website

blogging start today

Always write articles about topics of your interest.
Register your domain name and get web hosting from reliable webhosts who give uptime gurranty of more than 99.99 %.
Use WordPress. Now a days it is really a bad idea to start blog on blogger, typepad etc. as wordpress is the most powerful and fastest developing package for blogging. Now a days almost all the good bloggers are using wordpress. Wordpress comes with a large number of plugins. Use these plugins to make your blog user friendly and attractive. Always use a light weight template so that it gets loaded in less time.
Write at least 1-2 posts per day. 10-15 posts per week is a good idea for maintaining consistency.
Always check your articles for spelling and grammatical errors. This is very important for bloggers whose mother tonuge is not English like Indian bloggers.
Try to visit blogs of same nature and leave comments on their articles.
Never use default template in wordpress and default sidebar settings like calender, blogroll etc.
Take weekly backup of your blog. Many big hosting sites provide this facility.
Visit discussion forums regularly and make url of your blog as your signature.
Bookmark your articles on digg,, netscape, technorati etc.
Use trackbacks.
Use ping services like pingomatic.
Join blog social networking sites like, etc.
Write articles on tips and tricks. At least one article per week.
Use Wordpress tags.
Always write articles in points so that user can get the idea of article in one scan.
Submit your blog to website and blog directories.
Use Feedburner subscription tool so that your readers get your latest articles in their inbox.
Put RSS subscription icon on such a place that it is always visible to the reader Like at the end of every article.
Gather as many as backlinks as possible.
Write small articles.
Use photographs in your articles. Remember sometimes a picture is worth even more then a thousand words.
User google analytics for getting latest information on traffic sources of your blog.
Always try to avoid duplicate content. It badly affects your search engine rankings.
Create About us, Contact us, Subscribe, Advertise here pages.
User meta tags
Follow the rules of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Place google adsense on right place so that it does not harm the look and feel of the blog. Before this customize your ads as per as your blog’s look and feel.
Read other popular blog like,,, etc.
Use text link ads for generating revenue from your blog.
Write sponsored reviews, for this register your blog on, etc.
Title of every article is very important so always try to give perfect title to the article.
Always try to give your ideas, opinions and thoughts in your articles.
Make other bloggers your friend on social networking sites like myspace, orkut, facebook etc.
Divide your articles in categories. A particular article should be in its best possible category.
Always visit for getting latest updates on blogging, make money online, technology, SEO etc.

blog submitted site

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