Saturday, November 1, 2008

increase trafic

1. First prepare a list of blogs which you like. Try to visit these blogs at least once a day. Leave useful comments on their articles. You can always get traffic in lieu of your comments.
2. Try to write articles using the keyword “How to”. I mean to say, writing tips and tricks sort of articles bring bigger number of visitors.
3. Ping different blog services and directories on every addition of new articles. Ping services allow you to automatically notify blog directories and search engines that your blog has been updated. The bigger your ping list the higher the chances of receiving traffic from those sources.
4. Use simple words while writing the article, do not articulate your thoughts and ideas with complicated words and jargon. Even Google and other search crawlers do not like these things.
5. Give humorous and sarcastic one-line comments on hot topics. They usually work.
6. Install translator plugin to attract users who don’t know English.
7. Submit your articles to different social bookmarking websites like Digg, Reddit, mixx etc.
8. Try to use some uncommon theme for your blog. Edit its CSS, change the php code. Make the template unique.
9. Ask questions in your articles so that users will try to answer the questions in comment form.
10. Optimize your blog for search engines.
11. Write articles in and give backlinks there.
12. Share your thoughts and ideas on forums and communities and put the link of your blog as the signature.
13. Sometimes write on controversial topics, they always bring good traffic on any blog or website

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